Well as you know this blog is a life blog that includes everything , not just painting and filofaxes because life isn't that simple hey ? so .
Mums having chemo now after a successful operation , thats all going well but in other news we have a few other answers . My boy is likely to have Autism . I already know he has ADHD with Aspergers tendencies , now I have a new direction to look in and from the preliminary booklets we recieved , it seems this explains a lot . Its great to have things make sense to me now , and for me to see into his head and emotions a bit more . Good progress !
His school has been very supportive and the local doctors as well and I finally feel like we are getting somewhere . It helps so much to know what we are struggling with .
Because of the prevalence of cancer in my family I recently underwent a series of appointments to calculate my risk of contracting cancer . and it seems my risks are low which is another big lift for me , I am getting my worried reduced one by one . Being proactive has really made a difference to my daily stress levels . One thing at a time .
Art wise , i've been back in the studio making art and I have nearly finished my latest mountain painting .
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