Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Filofax retro bloom and a dizzy day

Well , its one of those days . One of those weeks where everyone gets a nasty bug and this time I succumbed too . Weirdly and strangely dizzy . I am fine if I walk in a straight line but rubbish at cornering :-) I really hope it doesn't last . It leads me on to the subject of this blog post though  , movable labels for mums that have health issues such as inflammation , depression , fatigue , collapsing illnesses ( yep all those in one here ) .
 On weeks like this week I don't manage to get done all the things I had listed in my Fabulous Filofax retro bloom personal for this week . Some weeks are just that way for me so I have started putting the to do jobs onto sticky notes so if they don't get completed this week I just unstick them and put them on next week ! 

Simple . no stress , no forgetting what need to be done and I can forgive myself and accept that I am not superwoman and that I can simply do them next week . Its a perfect system for me . 
My Retro Bloom Filofax !

There are going to be a lot of stickers moved to next week but I can relax knowing those jobs wont get missed out or forgotten . 
I especially love the Martha Stewart teardrop stickies I got from staples  , they un-peel so well and come in a really appealing colour range . 

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