Friday, 21 February 2014

Sunshine and stickers

Finally the storms stop , if only for a little while . YAY And my dizzy is mostly gone . I wanted a bright new week so spring green was the way to go . Feeling fruity too :-D 
I am reallly loving how easy it is to move my tags (and jobs) my stress levels are down a lot and my sleep is better because I know everything is written down . I just LOVE those apple stickers and I  am sad I only got one sheet . They are the best . I also love my cheeky Rilakkuma bear sticker . He makes me smile and the name  relax bear reminds me to take time for myself . which I will need because my boy has been tentatively re diagnosed as ADHD Autism . Explains a lot . 
Whilst I have been ill Valentines day happened and as I was putting cups away I realise I have a bit of a love themed cup cupboard . This shows how much I love my coffee :-D 
I also love my husband because he takes me out to but stationary supplies and actually realises it is important for me . These pens I picked up for a pound for the set , Tesco I think . And they work really well . 
These rainbow sticky notes and the leather look box were a find in The Works . 
These stickers , mostly my local pound shop , two for a pound ! Filofax fun coming up for sure . 
Owl notepad . sadly the paper inside is plain , it would have been awesome with owls on it too  .I write notes and shopping lists and all sorts of things in this and then clip the note onto the inside cover of my Retro bloom filofax personal with a mini bulldog clip . 
Just to prove we have sunshine in Kent , my mums crocuses :-) We went for a fab walk along the beach , blue skies   , blue sea , no wind (NO WIND) to the local park cafe but we had to actually lift the picnic bench out of the bog water to sit at it with out coffee ! Everything is just so soggy here . I cant wait for it to dry out a bit . 
Art wise , I have some great projects coming up , I have applied for an artists residency  at an exciting venue , more on that If I am selected , and next week I am demonstrating for an art group . I am really looking forward to that . I hope to finally get back into the studio and get stuck into some mountain and wildlife art over the next few weeks too , I have one started and will upload progress on my other blog with a link from here when its live . I have gone moody on a mountain canvas .
I hope the sun is shining wherever you are too , thanks for reading

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Filofax Classic Italian leather chocolate A4!

My new Filofax Classic  chocolate italian leather A4 ! 
A total Ebay bargain . Hardly used and smells absolutely divine . Its perfect for all my art project work and I have a year planner in it too to keep all my artist activities /demonstrating,exhibitions etc organised . Although I have all the dates in my Retro bloom personal filofax its nice to see all my  artist related work in one place so I can see my timings . 
It just so happens that this came at the perfect time . I just recovered from the HORRID dizzy virus and I was asked to submit an application for an artist residency . It's a complete pleasure to plan for it in this . 

I adore the stitching details in it , it feels very secure and classy and the colour is fab . 
It has a full length today marker plus cream dividers . I have an A4 hole punch so I can add in whatever pages I like to this plus plastic sheets to hold loose pages which is a complete bonus . 

I Love the cream A-Z too .
My A4 is purely business so I wont be customising it . It is business as usual though in the retro bloom personal filofax . Here is my next week set up . 
I love using the 3D butterfly stickers . They simply squash flat when I close the pages . I have never been so organised ad I am loving it . no more missing or forgetting things . Using filofaxes is really working for me . I have been collecting from Ebay , only small purchases but I have fun uses for them all :-)  
I am decorating with some of the cheaper tapes I found , this one was from The Range . Its not quite washi and it does pull up the paper a bit if you reposition it but i found as long as I am careful using it then its perfectly ok . Lovely patterns and colours . I am still using the removable task post its . Moving anything not finished onto the next week takes a lot of worry away  . I know I havn't forgotten anything and that helps me to sleep . Which is great because my boy is being assessed now for autism . This will be a fun ride but it explains an awful lot ! 
Sunshine ! Makes my whole day feel brighter . 
Sev xoxo

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

New week, still dizzy..

Im still dizzy ! and now so is my daughter . I have soooo much to do and I cant . I have managed to keep my Filofax Retro Bloom up to date though . Priorities lol . 
The studio is a distant dream right now , art needs concentration and an ability to stand for long periods of time . Currently thats not happening . Neither is much of the housework and that is distressing me a bit . More than a bit but I have to let it go . I am doing the basics and that will have to be enough . Remembering to be kind to myself is important right now . 
Here is my current week , nice and bright as I need it to be just now . Especially as the UK has has an entire winter of warm wet storms blowing in . 

She's getting nicely stuffed :-D Bit like me and the chocolate orange I just eat . Feed a cold right ? 

I have tulips on my table , it may not be bright outside but it is inside . I love this colour .  

The daffodils smell lovely ! These ones I bought but the ones in my garden will soon be out in bloom if they survive the wind . Strangely I can smell the scent of them just by looking at the image . I would love a daffodil perfume .